New research abstract accepted at MASCC/ISOO 2020
One research abstract on Adaptive Virtual Reality Avatars For Sensorimotor Rehabilitation
One research abstract on Adaptive Virtual Reality Avatars For Sensorimotor Rehabilitation
One research abstract on Learning Personalized Virtual Reality Avatars for Chemotherapy-Induced
The PERSEUS (Platform for Enhanced virtual Reality in Sport Exercise
Two papers accepted at the IEEE ICMLA 2019, the Eighteenth
The International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (BIBE) is
30th of August 2019 A team of two students from THI,
The PERSEUS (Platform for Enhanced Virtual Reality in Sport Exercise
In March 2023, Dr Axenie was appointed Prof. for Artificial
Between the 27 and 28th of February, Dr. Axenie joined
The framework of Antifragile Control Systems was further developed and
A new preprint describing the work in Antifragile Control Systems