AUDI Konfuzius-Institut Ingolstadt

THI-SCUT Seminar on AI and VR „Artificial Reality Research“

THI-SCUT: Artificial Reality Research and Cooperation
“英戈尔施塔特技术大学-华南理工大学: 人工智能研究与合作”研讨会


Time: 13-14 February 2019
Location: Esplanade 10, 85049 Ingolstadt, Germany

It is over two years since the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) and South China University of Technology (SCUT) explored the opportunities of collaborative research and exchange student programs. The establishment of Audi Konfuzius Institut Ingolstadt (AKII, 2016) and its research lab, AKII Microlab (2017) has accelerated the interaction. The AKII Microlab is a joint technical research initiative focused at building a modern applied Artificial Intelligence expertise bridging academia and industry. The lab hosts a unique group with expertise ranging from computational neurosciences, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, business intelligence to autonomous embedded systems and robotics. To consolidate the academic bonds and bring the Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Virtual Reality researchers of the two universities closer for communication, we have decided to organize a seminar at THI.

The seminar is organised by THI, AKII, SCUT and Huawei ERC.

The goals of this meeting are:

  • To introduce current research and explore overlap in research for short-term project.
  • To lay down the implementation plan of a Student Exchange Program (AKII will fund the program with AKII stipend).
  • To explore and design new joint research & development programs for long-term projects.