Both our sponsors are very technically oriented universities. That is why beside language courses and cultural events a third, technology-oriented activity. This orientation is also reflected in the statutes of our association (§2 purpose of association). Our Objective is to take on social responsibilities for our local regions in China and Germany. Therefore, we are open for suggestions for collaboration in the area of technology, innovation, management and sustainability, such as:
– Common research projects between regional German and Chinese firms and universities.
– Guest lectures and public lectures by Chinese and German scholars.
– Innovation platforms to regional, industrial themed clusters.
The AKII Microlab is a joint technical research initiative focused at building a modern applied expertise bridging academia and industry. The Microlab hosts a unique group with expertise ranging from computational neurosciences, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, business intelligence to autonomous embedded systems and robotics.
Part of the AKII the vision is to build a strong multidisciplinary ecosystem among universities in China and Germany as well as industrial partners in both countries. One of our local partners is the Huawei German Research Center. From April 2018, we will have a doctoral research student who looks into optimization problems of VR avatars for communication between China and Germany with the help of AI. We also applied for BMBF funding to widen our sponsoring roots and also in the new future to DFG and or Helmholts/Bayerische Elitenetzwerk to support a junior research lab.
AKII also collaborates with the newly founded Competence Center Sustainability in China (CCSC) hosted at Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, which conducts research about sustainability in China. (